
Mission Statement
The Mission of the Centralia Community Library is to provide diverse cultural opportunities for reading, learning, and entertainment to all citizens within its service area.

Vision Statement
The Centralia Community Library, a tax-supported community resource, will provide informational, educational, and recreational services, materials, and programs to users of all ages.

Library Card Information
Your library card allows you to check out ten items at a time, but only two items may be movies. You must present the member's card to check out materials on someone's card that is not your own (this includes family members). With the exception of newly acquired movies, all materials are checked out for three weeks. New movies at the library are checked out for one week (7 days) only. An item may be renewed once (only) and then must be returned. If you have overdue materials, no new materials can be checked out until you have returned or renewed those overdue materials. This will mean that if your materials have been renewed once, no new materials will be available until the overdue materials have been returned. Even if you have only one overdue item, you will be unable to check out additional material until the overdue item is renewed (provided it has not been renewed previously) or has been returned.

Donations to the Library
The library will accept donations of books and movies with the understanding that they may be used or disposed of as the library determines is appropriate. Gifts that are not added to the collection will be placed in the book sale or donated to smaller libraries. If requested, the library will supply a letter listing the number of items donated. Gifts of items other than materials or money not covered by written policies shall be considered by the librarian and the library board. The library reserves the right to use cash donations in a manner that will best serve the operation of the library and its service to patrons. If cash donations are made with requests for specific materials to be purchased, the Materials Selection and Collection Development Policy shall apply. Enjoy using the Centralia Community Library!

Library Director: Mary Junod
Address: 520 Fourth Street,
Centralia, KS 66415
Phone: (785) 857-3331
email: librarian@centralialibrary.com
webpage: http://www.centralialibrary.com

The library will be closed for the following holidays:
New Years Day - January 1st
Memorial Day - Last Monday in May
Independence Day - July 4th
Labor Day - First Monday in September
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas - December 25

Board Meetings

Meetings are held on the 3rd Mondays in February, April, June, August, October & December in the library meeting room.